Wednesday, September 5, 2007

The Effects of Blogging in the 2008 Elections

In David Kline and Dan Burstein's Blog!, there is a list of 12 key ideas of the blogosphere. One in particular is that blogs favor liberals over conservatives but in factuality, that is said to be untrue. The left wing as well as the right wing party has equal amounts of exposure through the social computing network. During the 2004 controversial presidential elections, republicans were just as active as democrats in voicing their opinions and getting awareness out for the candidate of their choice. Since blogging has become even more popular since 2004, I believe that it will have a substantial impact on the outcome of the hyped up 2008 elections. The author states that conservatives are as involved in the political virtual world as liberals are but before reading this I was under the same assumption as many other Americans. Just because it would seem one way to me, it is not always so. Misconceptions can lead to a belief that many people agree in something like who is to be elected for president, but once it comes down to election time and the results, there can be a very different outcome. There is a majority of Americans who still do not use blogs or the Internet, and maybe this is the group that makes the margin from one candidate over the other. So, all of those votes that might be overlooked by the blogosphere could be the most important factor of all.

1 comment:

Tracy Mendham said...

This meets the requirements of the assignment--well done.
There are moments in the post that I think it might not be clear to every reader whether you're expressing your views and observations or that of the authors. Keep referring back to the author so readers know:
Burstein notes that during the 2004 elections...